Just bought this plant few weeks ago and love it very much. Wanted to buy more but they said they're out of stock. Would like to find more info and see if I can multiply it myself, but 1st I need the name of it so that I can google it. Thanks a lot.
hmmm could b a lipstick plant .. or goldfish plant .. is it possible to get a clear pic of the dying flower ??.. ya might want to search those and see if it matches what u have .. good luck Marn
Hi Marn, thanks for the suggestion but I googled it and found it was neither lipstick nor goldfish plant. More description:- - They are creeping plants (lipstick & goldfish are not creeping plants if I'm right). - The branch produce some milky juice. - Ron B, as when I bought the plant the flower already look that way, so i have no idea how the flowers look like when fully bloom, but this is not a very big plant so I guess the flower is very small, probably the size of a pin head. - oh ya i forgot to mention, besides the large green seed u saw at the picture and the flower, they also let out some seeds that seems like could blown by the wind(black tiny seeds, with fine white feathers on top). Unfortunately before I could snap a photo of any, they've been blown away. - The large green seed seems soft when I press it, maybe they're some small seeds inside, didn't pluck it out to take a look inside. -Since the flower is very small I can't zoom in any larger. Hope I've provide enough info, thanks guys.
HI Dom could this b your plant ??... DISCHIDIA PECTINOIDES Ant Plant after seeign the shape of the leaves better it reminded me of a plant that was just ID'd on here .. and they r such kool looking plants .. here is a link with some info for ya .. hope this helps .. and good luck http://www.rareflora.com/dischidiapec.htm Marn
Hi Marn, Yes!! that's the right plant, thanks for all your help. Appreciate that. 1 thing I found out is that these are ant plants, the balloon type leaves provide shelter for ants in exchange for carbon dioxide. I like the plant but not the ants. If anyone knows more about this plant, maybe can help me by telling if it's possible to prevent the ants and the ways to do it. Will the plant die without the help of ants? Shall I remove the ballon type leave?
i would try googleing as much info on it as u can .. i dont know if it will live without the baloon leaves for the ants .. i would assume it needs it .. hence the name Ant Plant ..do u have it indoors ???.. mayb that might help keep the ants down good luck with it Marn
yah, I'm having it indoors and ants from outside are creeping in. Well there is a solution, that is constantly moving the plant to other position. Thanks for your help, Marn. Btw, do you know how I could multiply it? Tried googleing but to no avail.
i dont know how to propagate it.. but i would just cut one stem take a leaf or 2 off at the node and use a rooting hormone powder or gel whatever u can find and stick it in dirt and mist the plant for the first while and see what happens .. it wouldnt hurt to lose one stem .. or even try in water in a window sill but usually rooting any plants in clean fresh water doesnt work to well .. i would add a lil plant food to the water and let it sit in the window for a while then add the plant .. dont worry about it turning green the plants love it .. i never dump out my rooting water i just keep adding water to it .. u can barely see thru the glass it is so green .. but they root the best in it ..try both and see how each works .. good luck Marn
Hi Dom, Thanks for your reply. Your other post where you replied to me has been closed and I can't reply to you there. Glad Marn was able to id your plant. I wouldn't have been able to! I did a search at www.google.com with the term: propagate + Dischidia pectinoides and found this site with propagation info. There are several varieties, but you probably already know that. http://www.cloudjungle.com/epibook/Aral.html Regards, Newt
I have that Dischidia, but the name is D. vidallia (hort.). It lives with and without ants...in the wild the ants provide the fertilizer for them. To propagate, I cut off about 6 nodes of the vine, lay it on some Long Fiber Spagnum moss, weight it down (or use an old fashioned hairpin at the node) and off it goes. Mine seeds very readily...and I am growing out the seeds. I grow lots of these little Dischidia along with my hoyas. They are dear!
Thanks newt & carol for the info. It really helps. Now I'm learning new things about the plant and the word "propagate". But Carol, I couldn't find the name "D. vidallia" in the google search, but "D. pectinoides" came out fine and I believe it should be the correct since the plant picture match mine very well. Thanks for taking the time to share and I appreciate it very much.