That is beautiful! What a monster! or your hands are like smurf sized. The ring around the stem is a marker for info. The uniform gills, another. what is the base like? did it come from an 'egg' love to knwo aboutthis one. also what is your location and climate? trees around it? looks like wild rasberry plant in the background. What a great find.
Beautiful find! This looks like Alaskan Gold, Phaeolepiota aurea. Lovely colour, especially the velvety "boots." I recall one fellow making a meal out of P. aurea for his family: He was fine but his wife and kids all had strong gastrointestinal distress. Unfortunately this was his family's first wild mushroom dish so they were subsequently not so disposed to enjoy his future foraging finds :-). cheers, frog
it Shure was a big a tall one with a beautiful golden color. We are located in the South Chilcotin at Gun lake elevation 1000 m. Dry climate but not lately, Spruce, pine, fir, aspen and birch tree. Cheers Claude
Thanks for ID this beautiful mushroom. Apparently the fruit body contains traces of Hydrogen cyanide. Cheers, Claude