I bought this plant 7 or 8 years in Asheville, NC, and now live in Greensboro, NC. It has never bloomed until now. I need help to indentify the name of this plant. It is potted in an indoor hanging basket. It has a distinctive cluster of 5-pointed fuzzy pink blooms, about 3 inches in diameter. Each bloom is about 1 inch across. The center of each bloom is a smaller 5-pointed feature. The blooms are on long trailing vines. The leaves are smooth-edged, shiny dark green and range in length from 3 to 6 inches long. Thanks. Janice
I do beleive this is your plant .. Hoya Pubicalyx cv "Silver Pink" .. there are so many types but the flowers match up .. they are beutifull plants and you are so lucky to have it bloom .. and what ever you do . DO NOT REMOVE THE BLOOM SPUR .. it will bloom again from the same place .. ive been told that at night is when they really smell the best .. mine havent bloomed yet as they are still young plants .. good luck with yours .. keep doin what you have been doin with it since u moved here is a link for some care http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week166.shtml Marn