Need help , southern Magnolia

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by Rodney Mullens, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Rodney Mullens

    Rodney Mullens Member

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    Gilbert S.C. USA
    I have two southern magnolia That I put in the ground about 4 years ago , they where about 18 to 20 in. tall . They are around 7 to 8 ft. tall now & have been doing good up to this year , this past summer the leaves started falling off , there are still leaves on the tree & new leaves are coming in all of the time but the older leaves are turning black around the edge of the leaves , I have put plant food around the trees & have made sure that they have had water , I live in the middle of S.C. Can you help me with this . I would hate to have these trees to die , I would like to save them . Rodney .
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Might be pathogenic, might be environmental (for instance salt injury). Not enough information here to tell. Maybe your nearest USDA Cooperative Extension office can help.
  3. Rodney Mullens

    Rodney Mullens Member

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    Gilbert S.C. USA
    Dear Ron B . You may be right because there is nothing here but sand & I know that the ground is very poor . I have got to feed all of the time on all of my plants all summer long . I well check it out & when I find what it is I well let you know , Thank you for the info . Rodney .

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