Hi new to the board. I was looking to buy a shindeshojo maple (brilliant red color) for my front garden as a center piece. however, i am having second thoughts because the area i am planting it in offers no protection from harsh wind (a lot of open space) and there is plenty of sun (no coverage, no shade). Originally i had an old bloodgood maple there (maybe 12 years old) but it has been taken out. It was too purple/dark red for my garden. I am hoping to get some input. I would like to get an "up-right" japanese maple (that can grow 6 feet or higher) that is as bright red as possible, for as long of a period as possible, and can withstand those hot periods (maybe a month or two) in burnaby british columbia, Canada where it is sunning and really hot from the early morning all the way to 9-10pm at night. thanks Dariank
Me too..I'm also aftering a red japanese maple too. When buying a JM - it is best to do as many research as possible so that you know exactly what it looks like when the tree matures. When I bought a seiryu tree...it looked very nice in the 1st year, but gradually, I was disappointed with the colour changes from lush green to brownish green. perhaps you should have a look in the photo gallery in this site to make the right decison in selecting the best japanese maple. I would like to get a JM similar to the photos shown below: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drgaz/286690385/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/auberon/288663055/
Try a 'Fireglow'. And the Shin. will green up as the summer comes. It's only bright red in the spring and fall. It's also very twiggy... it's more bush like.
thanks for the help. I'm going to do some research on the maples you guys recommended. Let me know if there is more suggestions. thanks
I really like the following trees for red color. Tamukeyama- Laceleaf Osakazuki- Jumbo Jimmy this is the maple you post a picture of Shin Deshojo- Outstanding spring color Fireglow Bloodgood http://www.pacificcoastmaples.com
I'd get the Shin Deshojo even though it greens up during summer all the new shoots are still fire engine red.
i like the shin deshojo, but i am worried that the hot summer will burn the leaves. I am putting it in a place with full sun.
Shin Deshojo is an outstanding choice and is one of the more heat resistant Japanese maples, however full Sun could be too much for it. Take a look at Sooner Plant Farm in Oklahoma, Lace Leaf Nursery in Gig Harbor Washington or Pacific Coast Maples in California. Pacific Coast Maples has many Japanese maple cultivars that are heat tolerant.
Glowing Embers is supposed to be heat tolerant. Normal leaf colour is, however, green http://georgiafaces.caes.uga.edu/getstory.cfm?storyid=2460
Or ]Kasagi jama a brick red 6-10 m full sun or maybe Fireglow? I have not seen any purple in the ones I have, more of a translucent red.