I have posted some pics of my Meyer lemon tree. The leaves on lemon tree are dropping and some new growth turning black and dying and some of the new leaves are curled and have bumps. The root temp is at 65 and I don’t water it that often. I use Osmocote slow release fertilizer. What is its problem?
Your tree does not look that bad. It is starting to bloom and the leaves have good color but are a little sparse--probably due to low light conditions from winter in your area. The damage on leaves looks like contact with something-- have you been misting or sprayed it with anything? Skeet
Looking at your tree, it seems quite normal for a containerized tree growing indoors during the winter months. Research conducted by Purdue University shows that hand misting provides very little to no benefit to the tree, due to the very brief time period that the mist is in contact with the tree's foliage. The leaf shown in your picture laying on the surface of the growth medium is a old leaf that was dropped by the tree. When a citrus leaf uses more energy than it contributes to the tree is is quickly discarded. The dried leaflets could be from the correlation between the amount of water available to the root system and the tree's respiration rate. All in all your tree seems OK.- Millet
The new growth that is shriveling up and turning black cant be good. I'm loosing 3 or 4 leaves a day and the stem is left on the tree. And there is some new leaves that are deformed and curling could that be caused by these little aphid looking things.
Yes. Aphids are very easy to recognize, and just as easy to eliminate. Your picture's detail is not refined enough to identify any insects. Either wash them from the tree, or spray with a good horticultural oil such UltraFine, or a water/soap spray. Checking for insects (mostly aphids, scale, mealy bugs) on citrus should be a weekly chore. All in all you seem to do a good job with your tree. When a cause for unexplained leaf drop on citrus trees cannot be identified, simply raising the root zone temperature up to 70F (21C) often brings a halt to the "problem". - Millet
My tree is still dropping leaves like crazy! 6 more just this morning. At this rate in a month there will be no more leaves left.
With the limited information that I know about your tree, I would suggest your either raise the root zone temperature up to 70F, or shade the foliage from the direct sun. You said in one of your posts that the tree's root temperature was at 65F. Do you actually know this for sure because you have used a soil thermometer and have taken temperature readings in various parts of the growth medium, or because you think it is 65F due to the room temperature is set at 65F. Air room temperature and container "soil" temperatures are never the same. Lastly how long has this tree been in the same container without being either transplanted into a larger container or root pruned? - Millet
I have a root thermometer and its at 68 degrees since the post of 65 degrees. The tree gets no direct sunlight its getting its light from florescent grow lights. I purchased the tree about 3 months ago from a online shop in California. If you need any more info to make a better diagnosis let me know. when is a good time to repot the plant? Thanks!