Hello everyone! I'm a tenth grader from southeast Vancouver who is in search of some pine beetles for use in my science fair project experiments. As you can tell what ails me already from my topic title, I have no idea where I could obtain pine beetles in Vancouver. Therefore, does anyone know of any wooded or forested areas that contain pine beetles in Vancouver? Thanks in advance for any help! Andrew K.
I think you need to go to the interior, Manning park has some serious problems. I dont think there are many areas locally to find them.
Be sure to bring back a whole trunk full of them, and let them go after you are through. Stanley Park or UBC Endowment Lands might be good places. Y-y-y-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-s-s, I'm kidding!
My inclination would be to contact the BC Ministry of Forests and Range - they ought to be able to put you in touch with the right persons.
^Yes, I do wonder that as well. I'm going to obtain them domestically (No, not trained, but from a lab or something). Odds are they'll be frozen if I am able to obtain them.
actually, I do have a suggestion, try Bob Costello, he is the BC head bug (aka entemologist) guy, he may have specimens to help you out. Go here to get his contact info: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/fsq/branch/contacts.htm
I could get some interesting European ones like Myelophilus piniperda and Hylobius abietis . . . the BC plant health people wouldn't like that at all!! Good luck with the project!