I have an orange tree thast I have potted, and it has done fairly well considering I live in The midwest, but the problem that I have noticed is when I use a spray bottle to apply a vapor mist to the fruit and leaves some of the oranges tend to shrevel up and turn black. The orange tree is only 1 year old the base of the trunk is about the size of a dime. It stands about 3 feet tall, and I have about 20 oranges with the largest about the size of a golf ball. Can anyone help? Thanks, Sam
It is not uncommon for citrus trees to "drop" some of the fruit that it has set. The tree is trying to balance the fruit that was set with what it can support. Skeet
Depends on what you are doing to the plant....? I would not mist it, water it only when it is almost very dry, and ensure min. temp 13 celcius( 53 F)at night and more during daylight, and bright light....