Hello, First of all, this is my first post in this forum and I want to say hello. Secondly, I live near Dallas Texas and we have a large bush in our front yard that I need to identify. It is getting huge and I want to trim it this fall but I need to know what kind of bush it is so I can get help with trimming it. I have included three photos below: Thank you :)
Hello jimmyq, Thanks for the reply. I do not have a close up picture of the bloom but I can provide you with the high resolution version of the picure I provided above. I am not sure if it will give you enough detail to determine which species it is but hope fully so :D
Crabapple (Malus), a tree. Will assume a more rounded shape as it matures, when it is much larger than it is now. Trying to make and keep it smaller will require annual cutting, spoil it. Remove and replace with another selection if something smaller is required.
hmm. I still say Cherry but I can't tell well enough to name a variety for you. May be a bottom grafted (non standarded), double pink japanese hybrid of some sort.
tree2.jpg lloks like a malus.. those spots on the stems.. tree-large branches like an apple that's been cut back really hard. the side suckers are growing out from really low, so if the tree were a grafted cherry, i think the suckers would be the rootstock growing from below the graft. leaf/petiole glands are common on prunus. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&q=flowering+cherry+glands+ http://images.google.com/images?q=prunus++glands+&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi i'm not too familiar with fl cherries, so i don't know if ALL have glands. AFAIK, malus lack lf glands.