I've been trying to ID this plant for a couple of days now on the web and have come up dry. I thought it was going to be easy considering the unique leaves. I believe the plant belongs in the Lamiaceae family due to its square stem. Unfortunately when these pictures were taken it was in the fall and there were no flowers present or flower stems. The only thing I have to go on are pictures of the leaf. So these are the only clues I have to work with: Lamiaceae family maybe. Hairy leaves and stems. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could tell me what this was.
Hey thanks a lot Ron. That must be what it is. I was totally wrong in the family. Filipendula is in the Rosaceae family and not the Lamiaceae family I originally thought my plant was in. I'll have to go back to that location this summer to check out the flowers. Apparantly they are nice and fragrant.