I bought this years ago,and it did'nt have a tag on the little pot. Not even sure if its a cactus,however, it does have little spines on the tips. I'd sure appriciate any answers to this puzzeling plant! Thanks
The only cactus I know that resembles your plant is Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides, but it should be more green and compact (the picture shows a small cutting). If it is disturbed (which easily happens) it drops most of the sideshoots, the stem turns tan and it looks more like your plant. It is unusually tall, though. At a closer look the leaf-like things on your plant seems to grow in pairs, which points at some other typer of succulent.
thank you all very much for your help! It doesn't look too healthy right now, but hopefully it will pick up. Is there any thing I could try?[more light ,take cuttings etc] Its about four years old, so it's a fighter lol!
It's not a Sedum, it's a Trichodiadema sp. Those little starlike hair tufts are characteristic. And by the way, the illustration linked just above labelled Sedum hintonii is not that at all but Delosperma echinatum.
Thanks again! I'll put it by the window. BTW TonyR, our little plant is exactly what you've said it is!! Thanks so much, have waited a long time to find out!