I was given this unusual plant from my boyfriends mother, who in turn, had gotten it from a friend. Neither one knew anything about the plant, and frankly I have no clue. I was hoping someone here could shed some light on this mystery. The first picture is the top view, the second is a picture of underneath the leaf, and the last is a picture of the stalk.
I was always told that this was Begonia 'Cleopatra' it is a Begonia rex-cultorum hybrid and I agree with the thread title 'Ugly plant'.
Thanks everyone. Now that I know what it is, I need to figure out what to do with it. Maybe I can pass it on to someone who'll enjoy it more than I.
It's a Cleopatra Begonia. The foliage is usually quite handsome and full during its growing season (spring, summer, early fall). If you pinch the leaf stalks back to the base, you'll promote a lot of new growth. They like the water -- but, of course, not too much. IF it's outdoors, give it water daily, but don't leave it sit in water. Indoors, about 3 times a week. Likes a shallow pot, too. I would pinch it back and place it where it gets good dappled sunlight -- not full all-day sun, but maybe with a bit of shade, or only afternoon-late-day sun. Mine is looking rather attractive now. Since I just moved, I haven't yet found my camera or I'd post a picture for you!