Hello, I'm a biology student at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (central Europe) As part of my studies I was assigned to collect a herbarium of 100 local species. I've recently learned that I had mis-identified a few of the specimens. Botany is not my primary interest and now that the plants have been pressed and dried I am having great difficulties discerning the details. I was hoping someone here could at least point me in the right direction. I'm not expecting miracles. I'm hoping for a genus or at least familia (yes, it's that bad!) So here are the two specimens that are giving me trouble, with close-ups on the flowers. http://gallery.blackfang.net/Forumpix/bot/IMG_4048.JPG http://gallery.blackfang.net/Forumpix/bot/IMG_4049.JPG The first one was growing on moist ground in between a pond and a forest edge. http://gallery.blackfang.net/Forumpix/bot/IMG_4052.JPG http://gallery.blackfang.net/Forumpix/bot/IMG_4053.JPG The second one was growing on the edge of a path through a light forest. Any help would be greatly appreaciated. Please tell me if you need any more information.
hehe look more closely at your photos and you will see that they're actually identified for you! #1: Rhinanthus gracialus #2: Senecio barbareifolius edit: could be wrong, but Michael has the families right.
This looks likely. Thanks, at least it's a start :) Uh, thanks for the attempt, but even I can see those are wrong at first glance. Those are my own incorrect labels.
Hello again, I thought I'd let you know hot it's going. I think the first one is indeed a Galeopsis, but it's hard to determine the species due to discoloring. The second one is, I'm quite certain, Rudbeckia laciniata. Thanks for the help!