I received this plant from a friend who had no idea what it is called. It has lavender blooms in the shape of a 1/2 circle. The blooms are in clusters. Whatever it is, I'm killing it! If you know what it is and have any suggestions as what it needs, I would be very appreciative!
Hello Shantell I do belive it is Scaevola or fan flower http://www.californiagardens.com/Plant_Pages/scaevola_blue_wonder.htm http://www.provenwinners.com/plants/?doSearch=1&searchGenus=Scaevola
Thanks Pierrot! That was it. I spent quite a while trying to find it on the net. Thanks so much, that is a great help. I think I need to put it out in full sun! Shantell
Yes, give it some full sun. Little tiny looking bees (not sure what they are called) really like the flowers! I only wish this plant was a perennial where the winters are brutal!) The bigger the container you transplant it in (mine is in large half a wine barrel on the deck) the larger it will grow.