Hello Pictured is the seed pod (for lack of the proper term) of a plant I'd love to identify. This pod (about 8" long originally) was taken last week from my yard in Ft Myers, Florida. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the plant itself. The plant is roughly 2' tall. Its leaves are dark green and are about 2 inches wide, solid in color and arch gracefully out from the center of the plant. The seeds are bright, shiny red. I am hoping to identify, and find out if we can grow more of these plants from seed. Thanks in advance for any help! Jack
It looks like some cycad fruits, I have seen, but your plant description does not sound like a cycad.
I guess I probably should have said that I would have expected the description of the leaves to indicate pinnately compound leaves if it were a cycad. Otherwise it could fit. Does the plant look anything like these: http://www.cycad.org/photo-gallery.htm
Thank you for your responses! I believe it is Zamia furfuracea from the photos that I have viewed so far. I am not at my property currently, so am relying on my memory for the foliage. Will take some photos of the leaves on my next visit. I was very interested to learn that Zamia furfuracea is poisonous to people and pets (I am a dog owner). Many thanks for your input.