Hi there, I took a picture of this plant from the falsecreek seawall area last year. It's has wonderful chartreuse/green flowers and I've never been able to find out what it is. Any info would be much appreciated! - Kai
Hi Kai: It looks a lot like a Euphorbia characias 'wulfenii' to me. I may not be completely correct but I am in the right ball park. Jim
Hi Jim, I believe you are completely dead-on with the identification... i checked out the name via google, and it certianly looks like the right one. Thank you for solving my mystery plant! For anyone else interested: http://www.greatplantpicks.org/cont...fact_sheets/Euphorbiacharaciassspwulfenii.pdf http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plant_profiles/euphorbia/euphorbia3.shtml http://plants.thompson-morgan.com/uk/en/product/2589/1?SA=1303