Need help identifying this Arctic grass

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Dickie Byrd, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Dickie Byrd

    Dickie Byrd Active Member

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    Fairbanks, Alaska
    I took a picture of this grass beside the Colville River, North Slope, Alaska. I am learning how to identify the flowers, but have not learned enough to move into the field of the grasses yet.
    The grass was growing with other grasses and a lot of flowers on a high spot of gravel bar between two channels of the river. It was gravel with a layer of fine sand and mud from less than an inch thick up to 4 inches thick. (I am sure it was deeper than that in places.)
    If anyone can get me pointed to the right family of grass it would be greatly appreciated.


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  2. tipularia

    tipularia Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northeast Texas USA
    might be a Bromus
  3. Dickie Byrd

    Dickie Byrd Active Member

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    Fairbanks, Alaska
    Thank you very much tipularia. It took a lot of Internet research, (golly - there are a lot of brome grasses) (grin), and I found 4 possibilites. But looking farther into each of them I could not really get them to match up with my picture in one way or another.
    Bromus inermis took 6 pages of WEB Sites, but I believe this is the plant. I found many pictures where the head was the same color as mine, and finally I found 2 pages where the yellow, (now my ignorance shows - are they called anthers in the grasses?), match up. Again, thanks a lot for your help.

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