Need help identifying some plants in my home!

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Vorguen, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Vorguen

    Vorguen Member

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    South Texas
    Hello guys, I usually ramble for hours, but ill try to keep this short!

    I have a couple of pine trees and some other trees i really love that i want to plant, but im having trouble because my house has quite a few small trees already established, and frankly they aren't very healthy or good looking. lol

    So I don't know what to do, some of them even obstruct the view to the house almost completely.

    Well, I was wondering if I could identify them, because maybe I can train some of them to grow up and stop obstructing the house, or maybe they'll stay that size forever, but yeah some help would be great!

    Here are the pictures :)

    i know i didnt give a size comparison, but you can sort of see the street and lawn which gives a decent impression. its about 6.5 ft tall, and as wide as the picture makes it seem, it doesnt get much taller than what i have on the pic, when i look under it, it appears to have an actual trunk, so im wondering if its a tree that hasnt gotten big or a bush that got huge

    this is the other one, i took two pictures:


    this one is about 5 ft tall, its a lot easier to see and you can see my car parked next to it hope that gives an idea

    Hope you all can help! Thanks!
  2. Sky blue

    Sky blue Member

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    Girne-North Cyprus
    1st. one looks like Myrtus communis.
  3. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Cryptostegia for the second I believe.
    A vine usually so not a good candidate for pruning.
    Myrtaceae is likely correct though I suspect it'll
    be one of the fruiting shrubs like Eugenia or Myrcianthes
    Welcome to the forum.
  4. Vorguen

    Vorguen Member

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    South Texas
    now that you mention it we have a shrub that looks a LOT like it in another part of the house and it put some little berries that looked like blueberries?

    are they edible?


    that big one didnt put out any fruit though. So it won't get much bigger than the way it is right now huh? I was hoping to train it into growing upwards like a tree (maybe trimming the bottom leaves?), and im guessing the other one (the vine) will most likely stay the way it is too..

    hmm.. now im twice as confused about what to do lol

    im looking up eugenias and it appears some are as small as shrubs and some grow as tall as 20 meters... maybe this one can become a tall tree? haha. Would it help if i cut the growth on the bottom and helped train it to grow upwards?
  5. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Better get a positive ID from a local authority before sampling anything in the yard.
    Owing to the shrubby habit of plants in these families it won't do much good to
    limb them up (unless you like the look of the stems), better to move them in December
    when they're likely to survive being moved.
  6. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Here's Myrcianthes fragrans in my Austin garden.
    It'll be a month or more before the fruit turn purple/black.
    Perhaps you can compare them with your shrubs.

    Attached Files:

  7. Vorguen

    Vorguen Member

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    South Texas
    im going to take a picture of the trunk of that "bush"... that thing is huge and thick!

    if its a bush im very impressed lol

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