Need help identifying some aquatic plants

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by LadyAcadia, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. LadyAcadia

    LadyAcadia Member

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    Dandridge, Tennessee. US
    Hello everyone!

    I need some help identifying some aquatic plants. I've been studying/looking for the names of these plants for around five hours now. There are 16 in all and I think that I have identified three (elodea, smartweed, and water primrose) but I'm new at this.

    They are all plants from the lake and/or river side near Dams in Tennessee (Cherokee, Douglas, and Ft. Loudoun) and they are all along the waters edge (some were submerged as well but they were all actually rooted in the substrate). I've been to a lot of websites including the TVA plant search database but I'm not finding these specific plants (unless I'm just really bad at this =).

    Any help is appreciated! I won't post all of them here, I'm still searching!

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  2. Tyrlych

    Tyrlych Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Kiev, Ukraine
    1 - perhaps one of Potentilla
    3 - Rumex sp.
    4 - Erodium cicutarium

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