Need help identifying this cactus This is growing in a 4 inch pot. There are about 50 tiny little cacti(As seen between my fingers) growing in the pot. I wanted to say Mammillaria decepiens or longimamma, but the seem to be growing on stilts and there are so many. It is not one large cactus with lots of pups, it is lots of small ones, all jumbled togethor. Any help is greatly appreciated. I just got thru looking thru as many pics as I could stand at but could not find this. Thanks to all
doesn't look like any mamm that i know of. well, that doesn't mean much as there are thousands of varieties!! :) seriously, though, i don't think it's a mamm. i don't know enough about cacti yet to be able to suggest which tribe. i'm sure someone else will come along and be able to help! it's darned pretty - both the form and the flower!!
Re: Need help identifying this cactus Take a look at Trichodiadema densum; it's a mounding mesemb (Aizoaceae family) that has tufty bristles at the tips and has magenta flowers in spring/summer. Mine always makes me think of my m. longimamma cactus, but that has yellow flowers and different structure (the tubercles grow from a central area). Here's a pic of the plant at and it's also show at
Oops. My bad. Should I have said Constant G? Just trying to get down with the Mesembryanthema. Would like to give a shout out to Mesemb Mistress Heidi H. in Heidelberg.