Just wondering if anyone knew which tree(s) would be the fastest growing for the 100 Mile house area.A shrub would work also.Love evergreens,but our soil is clay like and they don't do well.Our winters can be a little cold at times. thanks
I'll second Smivies, but with the caution that Cottonwoods (and their relatives, the Poplars) can be as invasive as all get out. I'd look at Birches and Cottoneaster as well, although the former is a bit faster on the uptake. And I'd really really really encourage you to plant Elms. I like Ulmus americana myself, since it grows quickly and readily in Canada and requires very little care other than careful mulching at the base when it is young.
I don't know if you're into flowering trees, but try a Paulownia tomentosa. They grow like mad. I am not sure what zone you are in, but I believe it is hardy to zone 5. I must say that it is debatable whether they are the most attractive tree or not... Good luck! -Plantenthusiast