Need Growing Info on Tsuga mertensiana Elizabeth

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by JerryRaack, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. JerryRaack

    JerryRaack Active Member

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    Pataskala, Ohio
    Hi Everyone,
    I just bought a Tsuga mertensiana 'Elizabeth' from a PNW grower because it sounded like a really nice plant. Now I need to decide where to place it so that it will both look good and grow well. Well, it seems I didn't do my homework BEFORE I bought it, and now am worried that I'll have trouble growing it here in central Ohio (Zone 5/6) because of our hot summers and cold winters which sometimes lack snow cover. It appears this plant comes from above 4000 ft in the Cascades of the PNW, a climate I don't have.
    What I have is about 6 acres of mature deciduous forest made up of Beech, Red Oak, Sugar Maples and the like. I do have some areas with more sun now that a few trees have died or toppled in storms over the years. One advantage of the woods for me is that it blocks a lot of the wind in both winter and summer; and it stays cooler by a good 5 to 7 degrees inside my woods in the summer versus outside my woods. The trees also provide some shade even in the winter to reduce chances of sun scorching
    Does anyone out there have any growing experience with this plant in the midwest anywhere? Any advice from anyone on growing conditions and siting to give it to maximize my chances of success in growing it here? I've attached a picture of it. It is growing in a #6 pot and is about 25" wide currently. A very nice plant!

    Attached Files:

  2. JerryRaack

    JerryRaack Active Member

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    Pataskala, Ohio
    Hi, just a bump on this hoping someone has some experience growing this very cool evergreen that can help me out with required growing conditions. Anyone???
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    There's a bunch of eastern conifer nuts on the GardenWeb conifers forum.

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