My friend gave me a little fern that looks a little like a christmas fern. However, it's leaves (although they grow on the stem just like the christmas fern) have jagged edges. I've looked on many sites for a picture and couldn't find any like it. I know I've seen ferns like this before but I just don't remember it was soooo many years ago! Any care info would be nice too. Thank You for all info
As much as I would like to I don't have the equipment needed to take and upload pictures of my plants onto the internet. I've recently discovered, though, that my fern is a Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum This is a picture off of the internet that is identical to my fern...
Hi Woodsprite - these are the conditions of use for that photograph. I'm going to assume you didn't get permission from J.S. Peterson, so I've removed the image. Instead, here's a link to the page on the USDA site: Adiantum pedatum