Hi all. Wondering if anyone knows what kind of berry this is. They are growing on a tree (not a bush) in our back yard. They are purple-ish in color. They almost look like blueberries when you pick them (hole in top). They have a small dark seed in the middle. Any help would be great. Thank you in advance. We would just like to know if they are edible.
After looking at Wikipedia, this could very well be it. The leaves are very similar to the pictures and the description is almost perfect. After some reading, I almost feel that it should be taken down as it is only a 7' sapling right now but I do not wish to have it spread unabated. Thank you for the response and would your recommendation be to remove from yard? Others input would also be appreciated. Regards.
I don't have any personal experience with the plant. If it is as invasive as described in Wiki than it is probably a good idea to remove it. But please don't use herbicide. I am an organic gardener and the very word sends chills down my spine. Just take care to remove the root collar, not only cut the tree down. It is much healthier approach for you and for your soil. You will have a little exercise doing that, so badly needed in this age of TV and computers, and your soil will not get contaminated.