Hey everyone, we need help identifying a number of plants on the property we just purchased. There are a number we don't recognize so I will upload photos as we take them. It is currently winter where we are so we understand this may be a difficult task at this stage but we are hoping a few of these plants will be familiar to some of you. Any advice or guesses are appreciated. For those plants unable to be identified, we will upload more pictures as spring makes them easier to identify. Thanks so much in advance.
These will all be identifiable as we progress through the seasons. For woody plants, winter identification is usually done by close examination of the buds and twigs, so some of these are a bit challenging with what is shown in the photos so far. The second conifer, though, is likely Picea glauca 'Conica'. @Michael F could confirm, plus probably give a definitive identification on the pine.
Hey again guys here are a few more plants I'm trying to identify. :) I'm in zone 4b in the Cariboo Valley, thanks in advance.
Hmm! Now it is even harder. You have added more pics!!! Far better to start a new thread and add a few at a time...when answered start a new thread for the next few. As Daniel has already mentioned it is very hard to id plants in winter when all you have is twigs. If you would just wait a few more days and take good close ups to show the leaves,flowers, buds etc you are far more likely to get accurate id's. 3rd batch...number 2 is Cornus alba sibirica.
Missed this somehow before . . . yes, the second conifer is Picea glauca 'Conica', and the first one is Pinus mugo.