First one looks like a Hygrophorus. No way to get a species on it from the photo. Second one could be a bunch of things. Spore print and habitat would help to narrow down my mental list of possibilities.
The red was a tad slimey....found in Tennessee along a river area. The orange was VERY slimey on top...dry frills underneath....growing on a stump in Kansas. Thanx for making an effort....
Did the gills/stem/cap on the first one stain black very easily upon handling? --> Hygrophorus conicus. Did the second have a very pronounced pleasant odor? --> possibly Gymnopilus spectablis.
the red actually had an almost yellowy tone to it when u broke it........i tried not to damage the one i photo'd but there was another next to it. the yellow/orange ones were EXTREMELY odorous. but not like rot....more? to explain.
G. spectabilis has my favorite odor in the world. Very hard to describe, kind of sweet, very strong but very pleasant.
thank you! i definately agree on both? the armillariella i'd JUST found in a book about honey was thinking that was what they might be. the other i only knew as a waxy cap or waxy top........thanx for names!
i didn't look to see.........i just know? this grew in a HUGE wouldn't have been able to put my arms around.......each individual was around the size of a coffee cup. they stayed slightly slimey from when they first grew to when they started to deteriate. it was the second batch i'd seen...the first being in tennessee....this one in kansas. the first was joined by Hen of the Woods....a BEAUTIFUL sample.......and a second variety that i have no name for.