Need a privacy screen in a shadey area

Discussion in 'Garden Design and Plant Suggestions' started by billkater, May 13, 2007.

  1. billkater

    billkater Member

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    Olney, Illinois USA
    I am doing some yard improvements and need a privacy screen on the east side of our lot. The homes on that side sit 8' or so higher than ours and they do not take care of their area very well. In the below pictures you can see the area some elm and maple trees in it that keep it somewhat shaded.

    I would like a screen that will grow to 15' or so and be fairly compact. The neighbors kids like to play in the ditch area and like to throw sticks and such into our yard. I plan on putting a 3 rail fence up and would like the plants on the backside. I would also like them to be narrow and not spread to much at the base as my lot is not that deep.

    A nice row of mixed evergreens with smaller flowering plants and bushes in the front would also be nice. The lower the maintenance the better.

    I live in southern Illinois. Since these pictures I have finished leveling off all the fill dirt and installed double 18" culverts to allow access to both sides of my yard. I am still working on lining the ditch with recycled concrete to stop it from eroding away the edges.

    Thansk for your help in advance.

    Attached Files:

  2. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    I think yews are your best choice. There are some upright growing varieties, including one with gold foliage, though it colours best in sun. Hemlocks would also work in shade, but will widen with time, and need more moisture.

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