I am looking for a non invasive bamboo plant that I can plant in a medium sunlight area. I live in Ohio so the bamboo would have to be able to withstand some harsh winters. Any suggestions? Scuba
hello scubaman...you can get some naturally clump forming varieties of bamboo that grow from a single clump of canes .. list >fargesia nitida,thamnocalamus tessllatus semiarundiria yamadorii<...all the rest you can buy root restrictors from nursery where get your bamboo....that will stop the rhizomes grow laterally
Most Fargesia require quite a bit of shade. However, one or two now on the market might be suitable in your spot, depending on what the specific conditions are (including how big a plant is wanted). There are tables indicating basic characteristics and suppliers indicated on the web site of the American Bamboo Society.
Thanks guys for the help. I am going to place this bamboo on the side of my garage in between some oriental grass. The side of the garage this is going on faces the west. Scuba
Since the sun hits it directly all afternoon here a west-facing wall is a hot exposure unless shaded by nearby trees or other sources.
in my opinion the best bamboo is phyllostachys aurea(bright gold leaves) hardiness temp -25c has classic think canes and a fountain of gold leaves and can take full sun. mine are in for seven years with no worries ...with a root restrictor.
London is zone 9...we rarely drop below -0c....do you get below -25c ....if so your choices are limited ?