I got this navel orange tree in mail order, had it in a container two to three years it never got a flower or produced any fruit. I then put it into the ground thinking it would not grow in the container. it has gotten about 8 feet tall and is beautiful, but still no flowers or fruit and this is second to third year in ground. I have another orange tree which has seeded fruit and which has produced for 2 years. I live in around houston tx. and is only 2 to 3 years old. Thank for any help.
From what nursery did you purchase your Navel Orange? There are nurseries that purposely sell seedling trees,(trees started from seed) which offers varietal advantages in case of a freeze, but take many years to to mature. -Millet
From either of those nurseries, the tree is probably a rooted cutting. An 8-foot tall Nael Orange started as a rooted cutting, should be blooming and fruiting. Do you prune the tree? - Millet