We have a naval orange tree which we've had for about 2 years. We just planted it from a container to the ground this past spring. We use a citrus fertilizer every 3 months as indicated by the nursery where we purchased the plants. We're having problems with the oranges popping out of their skin before they are ripe. Is this from too much fertilizer or water? If not, what would be causing this problem? Darlene and Don
When that happened to me it was a water issue - if they're getting their water in spurts rather than evenly (ie if you're watering with a pail or all at once with a hose instead of a drip system) then the fruit expands faster than the skin, and the oranges split. Works exactly the same way for bananas.
Fruit splitting must happen more frequently at this time of year. Have a look at the thread Navel Oranges busting through skin | UBC Botanical Garden Forums.