Maple, probably Red Maple Acer rubrum. There is also Moose Maple or Mountain Maple, A. spicatum, with similiar leaves, which grows in your area.
Why is it called red maple, don't see anything red about it. Also how does it seed, nothing on the branches such as propellers like on other maples. Thanks for the replys.
Because it turns red at this time of year. The young leaves in spring are also reddish when they first open, as are the flowers. At 20 years old, it may still be a little young to be producing more than just a very few seeds.
Red Maple, like Silver maple, drops it's keys in late spring to early summer. You won't see any this time of year. As for the red fall colour...climatic & soil conditions influence fall colour in all trees & my experience with Sugar, Silver, & Red maples is that young vigorous trees generally display more yellow than red. As they mature & annual growth slows, the red becomes more prevalent Simon
Fall color of red maple varies markedly from one seedling to the next, regardless of site conditions. Nursery blocks, finished plantings and wild stands of seedlings (as opposed to grafted clones selected for red fall color) are a patchwork quilt of red, yellow and orange.
Here are some more pix. You all agree that it is red maple, so it must be. I have lived here a long time, it could be 30 to 35 years old.