I got this hellebore from a friend a couple of years ago as a 5 inch plant. It survived the winters and has grown to about 12 inches. The leaves are dark green and emerge from the snow in the Spring looking much the same as they looked in the Fall in contrast to the H. orientalis which I prune off the ratty looking old leaves in the Spring. It has not bloomed yet. I await in anticipation. I have a H. niger which is going into its first winter outside (hoping it will survive) It has a bud at the base now. I have it under my cherry tree where it will get less snowcover (not the usual 2 -3 feet) so I am hoping I will see a bloom in the very early spring. I bought it last year at UBC in late fall after my garden had frozen solid. It spent the winter on my cold enclosed porch and I got to enjoy months of buds and everntually blooms. If it survives the winter and doesn't bloom I will bring it in next winter. Thank you for any help.
looks like Helleborus foetidus. Common name Stinking hellebor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helleborus_foetidus
That was quick! Thanks Silver Surfer. Hot dog! H. foetidis. I bought a H. f. 'Wester Flisk' at UBC years ago and it didn't survive. Probably my fault. I seem to have lucked out in the location of this one. Looking forward to blooms at some point. Meanwhile the leaves are nice. Will have to plant something to contrast with them. Humm. Lamium 'White Nancy' or 'Beacon Silver' or Brunnera 'Jack Frost' are worth a try. I can take cuttings... Thanks for the link.