I got these from Home Depot. I can't find what to call them. I have a purple heart plant and a Zebrina pendula. The first and third pictured plant has bright green (pic doesn't do justice) stems and a deep dark purple leaf. The second pictured plant is green on top and purple on bottom (both colors are muted/lighter) and it is very fuzzy.
Both are commonly called Wandering Jew. Botanical name is Tradescantia. The names on your tags are the cultivar names along with the common name for the purple heart aka purple queen and just the cultivar name for the zebrina pendula because it evidently has not acquired a common name. Since your plants are varigated pinch out any growth that reverts to solid green. ;)) barb
Neither of these plants look like Purple Heart which is Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'. Zebrina pendula is a synonym of Tradescantia zebrina. My guess is one or both of these are cultivars of that plant. Photos on Google are inconclusive. This one is indicated as Tradescantia zebrina 'Purpusii'.
While the center plant may not be "Purpurea" it does fall within the range of variation of T. pallida which is a quite variable plant. http://www.catnapin.com/WildFlowers/Flowers-B/pbBilatSpiderwort.htm
I wasn't too clear with my last post. I had ment that i have purple heart (solid and variegated) and the Zebrina pendula in addition to the pictures i posted. The fuzzy one and the one with purple leaves and green stalks. I also picked up a light green with white pin stripes basket that was not named.