My Nagami kumquat tree has been in the same pot for about 5 years and was bearing fruit up until this year. The leaves are getting a little yellowish. Will it help if I put this tree in the ground and, if so, any special requirements to do so? Thanks for any help you can give.
It should do fine in the ground in your location. The yellow leaves are probably due to nutrient deficiency-- either macro (NPK) or minors (trace elements). Have you been fertilizing your tree with a fertilizer containing trace elements? As for planting inground--DON'T do anything special-- just dig a hole slightly bigger than the root ball and plant the tree at the same depth or slightly higher. If you get frost where you are do not fertilize until Feb, then fertilize 3 to 5 times (depending on size) over the growing season next summer with a fertilizer containing trace elements. If you buy a separate trace element mix you can sprinkle that around the tree after planting. Skeet
Did it bloom? It is possible that it did not get chilled for the number of hours required to initiate a bloom. In general, citrus need about 600- 800 hours of temperature below 68 F to set blossoms. If it did bloom but did not set fruit and you have not been giving it the nutrients it needs, that may be the reason it did not set fruit. Citrus trees will only set fruit that it can support.