Hello, my neighbor has the most beautiful tree in her yard but has no idea what type it is, and since I'd really like to buy one for my own garden, that's why I'm here. :) The tree is about 5 to 6 metres tall and has lilac-like flowers with sawtooth leaves. At first I thought it might be a chestnut tree but my research online suggests otherwise. Thank you for helping me identify this beautiful tree! Happy Spring! Leaf detail.
Ooo that totally looks like it! A friend mention P. serotina Do you know how I might find the difference between the two? Thanks so much for your help.
I'd agree more likely to be P. virginiana, as that's native on Vancouver Island. Very difficult to distinguish from European P. padus, though.
There are few features that might be useful to distinguish the species: http://www.nps.gov/akso/natres/epmt/Species_bios/Prunus padus.pdf
P. padus is naturalized in the vicinity of Stanwood, WA and elsewhere in North America. Is the tree in question flowering now?