I've spotted the tree in the photo in the comox valley area growing in several yards but have yet to identify it. It's very striking. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Laburnum, I think. Please be aware (especially if there are children around) that all parts are poisonous.
That's it Ellsee! Thank you very much. And thanks for the poison warning. Sadly every interesting plant we come across seems to be either invasive or poisonous, must have a knack for bad picks I guess! Thanks again and cheers!
Yep, definitely Laburnum, probably the very popular hybrid cultivar Laburnum × watereri 'Vossii'. The young seed pods are the highest risk for poisoning, as they look rather like pea pods. Poisoning is generally fairly rare, though.
Children, yes, if they make the mistake of trying to eat the pea-like seeds. Dogs, unlikely, squirrels not.
Too bad it doesn't take out the squirrels! They like to eat my english walnuts and then bury them and I find them growing in the weirdest places. LOL
Trees sold here as 'Vossii' do not produce abundant, well-filled fruits in the manner of common goldenchain. There are often some seeds, but not the same quantity - probably much less likely to be noticed and sampled.
Laburnum looks awesome at Van Dusen garden, with the complementary colour underneath in the form of allium! http://www.digitalgallery.ca/mybest/030526-P1/526-920-gold.jpg
Oooh hahaha I think I've seen that pic before ^ Barnsleyhouse's version is better with that sculpture at the end!
Nice tree but invasive if left to seed. Sends down a deep tap root which is a bugger to pull out. I prune mine after its finished flowering which makes this tree some what high mantenance.