the plant volunteered in my vegetable garden this season, small purple blossoms are opening right now, but only for a few hours, please look at the pictures for more details - I think it looks pretty and would like to learn more about it.
Common names are Ice Plant and Pigface.... check out plants of the genus Carpobrotus and also the genus Delosperma.
thanks for the replies, Ron's suggestion of 'portulaca' helped me to compare the plant with one listed on it is a portulaca pilosa, pink purslane,...- an annual, herb,wildflower.
common name here is moss rose. it's in the portulaca family, afaik. i don't know what state lonoke is in...if it's zone 4 or lower, this will spread. in zone 5 and higher, it'll die down for the winter - some seeds will germinate and it'll show up again next spring. easy enough to collect the seeds and then plant on purpose next year. it's a great ground cover and blooms through until frost.
joclyn: thanks for the reply and tip to collect seeds, all info/pics about moss rose, rose moss, or portulaca grandiflora, do not match with my plant which is definitely a portulaca pilosa- I'm in zone 7, AR.
Hi, knew this was a portulaca/moss rose, but i've never known that it would come back. It never has for me. I am in Michigan and we get pretty hard winters so maybe that is the reason. But, I may try harvesting the seeds and putting them out next spring. Thanks to Joclyn for the info.