Hi All, I just bought a new house in Vermont and there is a shrub here, that, I understand, is protected. However, i cannot remember what the lady said it was, nor can I find anything online. Please Help! This is a small, compact, woody shrub. 3-4 feet tall. Flowers in early spring with purple/violet heavily fragranced flowers. Smells kind of like suntan lotion. The flowers are small and there are many on each shoot. The leaves do not come out until the flowers go by. It is typically found in the woods on the mountains. The leaves, I believe are about the size of an almond, and similarly shaped with rounded tips, mid-dark green. The flowers only last about 2 weeks. I will post a picture in the morning. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
If that's it a site just told me it was very toxic???????? in fact more than one site. Does this include the garden variety daphne that most people manage to kill. Liz