Hi, I came across an almost entire seed head with these seeds in it 2 yrs ago. It is a common plant in this area (Northern VA woodland/mtns) because I am always encountering single seeds around my property. It is not anything I have introduced...def. something growing wild here. I did manage to germinate some seeds but the seedlings never grew to maturity due to slug browse...anyway it struck me as a bit odd because the way the seedhead looked, the seeds were pointed in and attached at the narrow end but this is also where the fluff is attached....correct me if I'm wrong but the fluff/parachute is usually on the end of the seed that is not attached to the seedhead? The seed is roughly .5 inches long and though it's hard to see the fluff is an orangy brown colour....a bit like a lion's mane. The seed has a pointed end and a "sqarish", broader end. I was thinking maybe something like Prenanthes sp. but very few of these ever make it to flowering due to deer and rabbits. Any guesses? Thank-you!
London Plane Platanus × hispanica (or other species of plane Platanus, but London Plane is by far the most commonly planted).
Thank-you so much Michael! That's it! But most likely Platanus occidentalis....they grow wild everywhere here!
Yes, agree more likely Platanus occidentalis in VA - I have to confess I somehow didn't notice the location and just assumed the BC area as that's where the site is based :-)