Can anyone id this succulent (not the variegated sedum)? Okay, so it looks more like claws to me but I always think of succulents that take this form as "pagoda" crassulas... They are only a few inches tall and grow very slowly (at least for me). Dark green with some crimson/ reddish brown coloration at the centers and lighter green at tips. Thanks!
It looks a little like a Haworthia from the photo. Does it flower? You might look at this website
Re: Mystery haworthia scabra(?) Yes, it's a haworthia! The columnar varieties sometimes look like crassulas to me so I wasn't sure. From Haworthia.Info, a close match is Haworthia scabra var. johanii (but Haworthia variabilis also looks like a red form of it). Unfortunately H. scabra var. johannii doesn't come up anywhere else in a google search. Haworthia scabra var. starkiana seems to be more common and is close too so I'm going to go with a scabra species for now. Thanks for the help. I'll definitely take some photos *if* it ever flowers for me!
Just wanted to cross-reference another thread with a photo of (what looks to be) the same haworthia, more fully grown, in case that helps anyone with this identification.