I received this plant as a gift and I have yet to find someone to tell me what kind of plant it is. I would like to identify it so that I may be able to give it the proper care it needs. It is a year old now. I'm not sure if I am posting this thread it the correct place but I figured someone here could help or point me in the right direction. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks in advance! It is a green indoor, very tall tree-like plant. The leaves are reddish underneath. The leaves are green on top with white dots and are large in size. It flowers twice a year with clusters of red (sorta like a bleeding heart) shape. The stalks look like bark but I was told it is not a tree.
Seconding the request for a photo; the description doesn't add up to anything I'm familiar with. The closest I could come from the description alone would be: an ornamental banana (tall, green, red underside, big leaves, treeish but not a tree, potentially red-flowering; however: not white-dotted leaves, no barky stem, flowers not heart-shaped); Dieffenbachia (tall, green, big leaves, white-dotted, not a tree; however: no red leaf undersides, usually stem isn't barky, flowers are neither red nor heart-shaped, not tree-like); Codiaeum variegatum (some cultivars could be: tall, sorta green, big leaves, white-dotted leaves, red undersides, treeish; however: not red-flowering, no heart-shaped flowers); Aglaonema cvv. (some cultivars would be tall, green, big leaves, white-dotted leaves; however: not red-flowering, no heart-shaped flowers, stem not barky, not particularly treelike, I don't know of any varieties where leaves have red undersides) I have a list of houseplants with green leaves and red or purple undersides here; there's another list of houseplants with very large leaves here. Maybe something will look familiar?