Some one mysteriously left me a plant at my front door in the early morning hours. I have no idea what type of plant it is, how to take care of it, does it need full sunlight or not, how to water. I know nothing. I have contacted similar websites upon this mystery plant's arrival 4 days ago. I am really trying to figure out what this little "orphan" is. I attached 3 pictures. The only thing i could say is that the "petals" on this plant are not of a petal texture. They feel like a plant like texture. I will take any help from anyone who could tell me what this plant is. Lauren P.
Looks like Aeonium sp. Sorry no idea which one.
definitely an aeonium - no idea which particular variety, though. pretty easy-care. soil should be well-draining and allow it to dry a bit before thoroughly watering again. definitely needs a container with drainage and an unglazed clay pot is best. some varieties like being in full sun and others don't. so, you'll have to do trial and error to see what works for it. unless someone gives a correct id, that is, then you can research the needs. it's gorgeous!! if no one here knows which it is and you find out somewhere else, please update this thread...i'll be watching it for replies so that, once it's id'd, i can get one for myself!!
thanks for the input. I kind of figured out that I would need to try it out in full sun and other days in the shade. Definitely a trial and error experiment going on here. Been monitoring it for the past few days, seems to have open up a lot by being outside in partial sun. That much I know. Still working on a more specific identification. I cant believe how popular this type of plant is within the plant community. And here this little plant was left on my doorstep by someone who has yet to say, "i left the plant" Thanks for all the help!