Hello can anyone help me identify this plant. I live in the UK and bought this plant at a fair, it was misslabled so I have no idea what it is. Weather it is a house plant or one that should be planted outdoors, how to care for it, feed it, water it and so on. I have a fairly large garden with trees, shady and sunny spots etc. as well as a conseratory, so have a variety of conditions I could keep it in. Thank you in advance Regards Linda
http://members.iimetro.com.au/~symdock/bromeliads/Billbergia.html Thankyou Ron I have one and have been wondering what it is. Linda does yours look like the one on the above web site? They are refering to it as "Queens tears" common name. Mine is out side in a pot but we never go down to frost or super cold. Ta Liz
Thank you Rob and Liz, Mystery solved. It looks exactly like the one pictured on this website. I found this link at first when Rob said it was a Billbergia nutans and the pic was not so good so I was doubtful at first, but the pic on the link Liz supplied confirms it, that is my plant. Thank you both so much Regards Linda