I discovered this plant while waiting for the taxi out side the pub!!!! it has one of the most wonderfull fragrance and its in flower in Jan. in the uk!!! it reminds me very much of frangipani, its growing as a bush. i hope someone knows the name of this variety so i can find and plant more, as it is such a wonderful smell in the winter. my fingers are crossed.....
Hi, Definitly odora aureomarginata. I had one in my last garden. Fantastic scent! Can be slow growing and best to be careful with it when planting. They seem to resent being moved. Also, don't be tempted to 'tease' the roots when planting. They hate it!
Yes Pierrot I see in Dafne marginata in my garden whit ligts not have leaves acuminate but branchs ,is similar to photo of Lily I have Weigelia variegata but in this period not have leaves!alex66
Sometime, compare the twig of Wiegela and Daphne - without flowers on either. You will notice that the stems look much different. The Daphne tends to be a broadleaf evergreen too: one with a strong fragrance.