Here is a picture of a plant that I saw growing wild all over the coast of southern Devon, UK last September. It appeared to be fond of damp, shaded areas. Leaves are 6-8 inches across, and a similar height off the ground. Can anyone identify it? I was smitten by it. Thanks!
I too will be interested to hear it's name. This has become an invasive weed here in the cooler damper areas. Looks great as ground cover and I suppose it's better than the blackberries. Liz
Wild ginger has a leaf shape like that, about the same height and likes shaded areas, but the leaves are glossy green. You don't see the flowers on wild ginger (they are under the leaves, it's polinated by beetles); have you ever noticed flowers on your plant?
Thank you people Petasites Fragrans — Winter Heliotrope (Asteracea) Mediterranean Apparently a medicinal plant. Could explain why my goats like it :) Liz