Need help identifying this strange object we found in our Pieris japonica. It was the shape of a wasp nest. It was very dense not hollow. It had no obvious openings. It was attached to a branch but the branch did not go through it. It had moss, lichen, a few small feathers, something that looked like string and I don’t know what the bulk of it was made up of. It didn’t pull apart easily and it felt more like I had to tear it open. I’m just very interested in knowing what this could be. It did no damage to the tree.
Bushtit nest? In the first photo, the top left looks like what was meant to be the opening.
Thank you very much... I feel that is exactly what it is. We looked at it before and just now again a really cannot see an opening. We live in Courtenay which looks like just at the edge of their range. I really hope I did not destroy an active nest. I had originally thought it was a wasp nest. Thank you again for responding.
Please remember that wasps are also considered to be 'beneficial' insects - they pollinate, and eat aphids and other bugs considered 'bad'.