I recently purchased a small Jade plant, which is a kind I have never seen before. It is similar in coloring to Crassula aborescens, but has deep reddish purple blotches on the leaves. The plant is not ill, although in need of some tlc, and the new leaves show the mottling more brightly, as would be expected. I have seen many cultivars of ovata or argentea, and a few slightly different forms of arborescens, but nothing like this. Any info would be appreciated. Chester
Mystery Jade Plant Description Hey: The jade plant has fairly large spots towards the node, and the spots converge toward the tip of the leaf so that the leaf is almost completely deep reddish purple. I have seen the variegated leaf forms of jade: green with white, green with yellow and reddish orange. My jades all change color somewhat with increase light ie. paler green with a bright red edge. This we know. I have never seen a jade with purple splotches. The new leaves have a brighter version, the older leaves a paler version, so it is truly an unusual form. I must say, I am rather excited.
Hi Chester, Crassula minor maybe? This site has some interesting pictures. Once you click on the name, most of them have numbers under the picture for closer shots. There are quite a few. http://www.belgicactus.be/succulentindex/succulent/index.html Also have a look at Adromischus machulatus. There's 2 more pictures there. http://www.belgicactus.be/succulentindex/succulent/adromischus/adromischus_maculatus.html Newt