Please help. I bought four plants and the 99cents store. They are really kewl looking, and I thought it would be nice to take care of, but I have no idea what they are. I actually bought five. but the first one died a few weeks ago. I don't really have a talent for plants, but these plants looked like they needed a home and I really hope I give them I nice one. That is unless the cat decided to play with them.
Ron the name u posted was for an Aralia .. there is so many diff types if Ivy's around alls i can say is it is a vairegated Ivy .. if u search hedera helix .. u should come up with alot to look at .. i think that one is close to the one i had .. 2 things to watch closely with this plant .. one it is poisonus to cats/animals and watch out for spider mites .. spider mites love Ivys .. i lost a beautifull one to mites .. keep a watch out for webbing on the plants and spray with a mite spray .. they r really kool plants .. ive just given up on mite magnets .. :) good luck with it .. Marn
Thank you for you help, I didn't expect to get a reply to quickly. I apoligize for the stupid poll. I will try and keep the cat away, besides I think he prefers playing with his toys, or is that he prefers toying with the dog. . . Oh well... I did manage to find out some more information, from your help. I still don't know about the "hedera helix" but, it probably a cousin of it. I did find the site AGRI-STARTS, INC.: Polyscias pinnata 'Marginata' (Balfouriana), and the image is very similar to what my plant looks like. So going from there. To I found out the plant probably came from Pueto Rico, giving the nature I bought the plant from the 99cent store. (Yeah, can you believe they have a website?.?.?.?...) But hopefully I'll be able to keep it alive. I guess it all else fails I'll go out and buy another plant for 99 cents. The only problem is that none of the plants are labels so I'm still left with "What the heck am I getting?" So you know I'll be back. :)
ooops Ron was right again .. so sorry .. to me it looked like a Ivy was hard to see in the pic .. hmm i guess i need glasses now well gald Ron was able to ID it for ya ... Marn