I noticed this fruit on my university campus and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name or anything about them. I remember vaguely eating these years ago back in middle school (and getting yelled at), but I'm not sure these are the same thing. The plants they are from are about 6' tall and look like pretty typical shrubs, not too thick like a hedge but a bit more leafy than a young tree. Here's a picture of the fruit. http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/8831/hurrkn7.png The fruits themselves are slightly larger than a quarter and turn red and softer when riper. (These ones weren't very ripe)
You will see a flower as well as the fruit right now. Don't eat them when they aren't ripe, so I have been told!
Awesome find guys, thanks. I'll have to keep an eye out for some ripe ones, I remember them tasting decent but wikipedia says they're "bland and mealy"... guess we'll find out.