the first one is a Yarrow .. they bloom in diff colors .. I have a Rose one that was given to me and I have one that was growing in my back yard and i dont know what color it is .. never seen it bloom b 4 .. they grow back every year .. the second might b a type of Marigold .. not sure .. ya might want to google it and see if it is .. It's a lead Marn
Hi , Think you are right on Yarrow and Marigold, I will be sure to send pics when flowers. Thanks Skip
Sorry, no, it definitely ain't a marigold (Tagetes). More on the order of Anthemis. Get a nice flower pic and someone will know it right off.
Hi Ron, Thanks for your information, you may be right on the Marigold, I am not writing anything in stone for awhile here. I will follow your advice and wait for flowers to appear. Thanks, Skip
I agree on the first picture being yarrow - though it looks alot like a white one we have that is very invasive and we've heard termed common milfoil. The second one looks like globe thistle - if it has thistle like leaves a a globe-like flower mauve flower - then its it. (A friend had some but they weren't to our taste.)